
我超愛超愛吃 南美洲的  Dulce de leche ...也就是焦糖牛奶 , 每次講到這個我都很激動~
這焦糖牛奶  可以做成冰淇淋  做成巧克力  夾心餅乾   抹吐司麵包  (阿根廷沒人吃花生醬)
夾在牛角麵包裡吃  泡牛奶  都很讚 !!   但 最 嗨 桑 還是用手指挖來吃~.. 哈哈哈~

說起來很難想像, 因為焦糖牛奶 根本就是很不對味的中文翻譯 .. 
Dulce de leche 是一種長得像煉乳  但是顏色是咖啡色 ~
甜度跟煉乳很像 但是卻比煉乳香 比煉乳天然 ~
一句話形容就是  " 煉乳般 的牛奶糖 "  =  牛奶糖煉乳 !!

懂了嗎?  ~

今天心血來著 想熟客卡的點數來給它換成午餐 ..不小心 就發現了 這個..

星巴克 最新的限量  焦糖咖啡Latte   (Dulce de leche)     還不錯喝 !! 推薦~

我相信很多人都會問這個怎麼念~.. 嘿嘿~..

來跟陳老師念一遍   DULCE (嘟而些)   DE (得)    LECHE (累切 )
如果要學快點的話 就要跟陳老師的媽  學台式西班牙文 , " 嘟得壘類切"     <---要念快一點~.. XD


 哈根達斯也有出 這種口味的 ~

來點正經的~    文獻  : 

Wiki 上面有記載 :
Dulce de leche in Spanish  ("milk candy"), is a milk-based syrup.
Found as both a sauce and a caramel-like candy, it is popular across Latin America.
It is prepared by slowly heating sweetened milk to create a product similar in taste to caramel.

來源發明歷史 : 
 There are many stories about the origin.
One story involves the 19th century Argentinian caudillo Juan Manuel de Rosas.
The story goes that in a winter afternoon at the Rosas house, the maid was making
some "lechada"—a drink made with milk and sugar boiled until it starts to caramelize—
and she heard someone knocking at the door. She left the "lechada"  on the stove and
went to answer the door; and when she came back, the "lechada" was burnt and had
turned into a brown jam:  dulce de leche

一整個白爛的發明過程~... ~ 不過沒關係~.. 我還是很愛~....   

再來一張 阿根廷有名的 焦糖牛奶冰淇淋 ~~  Yeah ~... ~        


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